We’ve switched to biennial data gathering for the city profiles — The data available here was collected in early 2022 and originally published in last year’s Canadian City Parks Report.
City Profile
- Surrey is one of 20% of cities with a biodiversity strategy.
- Surrey is above average for hectares of parkland relative to population for cities over 500,000 residents, with 5.2 hectares per thousand people.
- Surrey is one of 53% of cities with a park system master plan updated within the last 10 years.
- The city will be getting a third biodiversity preserve park in 2022. The Campbell Heights Biodiversity Preserve Park will add 40.6 hectares of protected sensitive riparian ecosystems, mixed forests and grassy meadows in Surrey, effectively tripling the total area of biodiversity preserve parks.
- The city has received a Greener Greenspace award from the Society of Organic Urban Land Care in recognition of Edgewood Park’s pollinator meadow. The park, which opened in 2021, also features recreational amenities and a wildlife corridor. It is specially maintained by the city in alignment with ecologically-centred land care practices.
- Surrey Parks, in collaboration with Coast Salish Plant Nursery, is giving away ‘Skelkelosen Pollinator Seed Blend’ packs to park program participants. The project aims to raise awareness about the cultural significance of Indigenous plants, many of which have medicinal uses, while supporting pollinators and biodiversity.
of total city land is parkland
31,640 ha of total city area
Parkland provision goal (distance to park / ha per 1000 people)
Overall: 4.2 ha / 1000 people Community: 1.0 ha / 1000 City class: 1.2 ha / 1000 Neighbourhood: 1.2ha / 1000 in secondary plan areas Nature preserves/corridors: 0.8 ha / 1000 Distance to park: 10 min walk in town centres and urban areas
Volunteer hours / 1000 people
10,865 total park volunteer hours
Plans & Strategies
Parks Master Plans
Parks Recreation and Culture Strategic Plan 2018-2027
Environmental Strategies
Shade Tree Management Plan 2016
Greenways Plan 2012
Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy 2019
Biodiversity Strategies
Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2014
Climate Strategies
Climate Adaptation Strategy 2013
Inclusion Strategies
Age Friendly Strategy for Seniors 2014
Dog Park Strategies
Dog Off Leash Area Strategy 2012 - 2021
Community Grant Programs
Neighbourhood Enhancement Grants
Don’t see your city on the list?
Thirty-five cities participated in this year's report and we hope more will join us next year.