We’ve switched to biennial data gathering for the city profiles — The data available here was collected in early 2022 and originally published in last year’s Canadian City Parks Report.
City Profile
- Guelph has the highest number of volunteers relative to population at nearly 15 volunteers per thousand people.
- Guelph has the second highest number of dog parks relative to population size, or over 3 times the average, at 35 dog parks per 100,000 people.
- Guelph is one of 20% of cities with a biodiversity strategy.
- Guelph’s new Park Plan was approved by council in April 2022 and the Trail Master Plan was approved last year. Together, these documents will guide parkland acquisition and green space planning to meet the needs of a growing population.
- The city provides a series of recreation programs in parks that support residents’ connection to nature, including BikeWise, a learn-to-bike program for older adults that focuses on local trail riding and nature immersion, and Tales & Trails, a parent and tot program that visits different trails each week and builds crafts using natural materials.
- A new disc golf course opened at Eastview Park, meeting demand for a park amenity that gained popularity over the course of the pandemic.
ha of parks & green space / 1000 people
989 ha total
of total city land is parkland
8,930 ha of total city area
Public washrooms
Total number of permanent public washrooms in parks that are open year-round or seasonally. Excludes portable toilets.
0 winterized public washrooms
Parkland provision goal (distance to park / ha per 1000 people)
2.0 ha/1000 people 5-10 min walk
Volunteer hours / 1000 people
10,000 total park volunteer hours
Plans & Strategies
Environmental Strategies
Urban Forest Management Plan 2013-2032
Stormwater Management Master Plan update (In development)
Emerald Ash Borer Plan 2014
Biodiversity Strategies
Natural Heritage Action Plan 2018
Climate Strategies
Climate Adaption Plan (In development)
Dog Park Strategies
Leash-free Policy 2019
Community Grant Programs
Community Grants
Don’t see your city on the list?
Thirty-five cities participated in this year's report and we hope more will join us next year.