We’ve switched to biennial data gathering for the city profiles — The data available here was collected in early 2022 and originally published in last year’s Canadian City Parks Report.
City Profile
Quebec City
- Quebec City is one of 63% of cities that has an accessibility strategy that includes parks.
- Quebec City is above average for percentage of parkland that is natural area at 56%.
- Quebec City is one of 67% of cities with a climate change action plan that includes parks.
- Quebec City has revealed revised plans for Parc du Mont-Bélair, expanding the goal for parkland acquisition from 711 to 800 hectares total. When complete, the park will be over 6 times larger than any other park in the city.
- Warming stations returned to the city this winter, allowing residents to gather around fire pits in public spaces and stay outdoors longer to enjoy all that the season has to offer.
- The city’s Animated Quebec program will provide residents with a suite of summer events and activities in parks, public spaces, pedestrianized streets and ephemeral squares.
of total city land is parkland
45,428 ha of total city area
5-10 min
Parkland provision goal (distance to park / ha per 1000 people)
Percentage of residents who have access to a public space (or to a natural area) within a 5-10 minute walk from home (400 to 800 m).
Plans & Strategies
Climate Strategies
Plan de transition et d'action climatique* 2021-2025
Community Grant Programs
Places éphémères
Don’t see your city on the list?
Thirty-five cities participated in this year's report and we hope more will join us next year.