We’ve switched to biennial data gathering for the city profiles — The data available here was collected in early 2022 and originally published in last year’s Canadian City Parks Report.
City Profile
- Saanich is above average for percentage of parkland that is natural area at 65%.
- Saanich is above average for percentage of park washrooms that are winterized, with 69% open year-round.
- Saanich is one of 53% of cities with a park system master plan updated within the last 10 years.
- Saanich’s Natural Intelligence program helps residents build reciprocal relationships with nature. It emphasizes giving back to nature through volunteering in parks or stewarding local habitats, while appreciating the gifts nature provides by spending time in parks for physical activity and connecting with others.
- The W̱SÁNEĆ Leadership Council and the District of Saanich signed the ÁTOL,NEUEL (“Respecting One Another”) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to work towards shared goals of reconciliation. The MOU includes parks management, public art and education projects, and environmental concerns as areas of interest.
- Pop-up dog parks are being piloted in Saanich for the second year. The pilot program addresses concerns about the potential impact dogs off-leash have on wildlife, natural areas, private property and other park visitors’ ability to use the space, since dogs are currently allowed off-leash in most Saanich parks.
of total city land is parkland
10,830 ha of total city area
Public washrooms
11 winterized public washrooms
Parkland provision goal (distance to park / ha per 1000 people)
Volunteer hours / 1000 people
15,000 total park volunteer hours
Plans & Strategies
Parks Master Plans
Parks, Recreation & Culture Master Plan 2013
Biodiversity Strategies
Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (In development)
Climate Strategies
Climate Plan 2020
Inclusion Strategies
Youth Development Strategy 2016-2020
Older Adults Strategy & Implementation Plan 2017-2022
Dog Park Strategies
People, Pets and Parks Strategy (In development)
Don’t see your city on the list?
Thirty-five cities participated in this year's report and we hope more will join us next year.