We’ve switched to biennial data gathering for the city profiles — The data available here was collected in early 2022 and originally published in last year’s Canadian City Parks Report.
City Profile
Thunder Bay
- Thunder Bay has the highest percentage of parkland that is natural area at 85%.
- Thunder Bay has the third most hectares of parkland relative to population with 19 hectares per thousand people.
- Thunder Bay is one of 57% of cities that has a seniors strategy that includes parks.
- A baseball diamond at Chapples Park was recently converted into Thunder Bay’s first official cricket pitch, meeting demand from local cricketers and making the city more welcoming to a growing population of international students.
- A 250-metre skating trail opened at Vickers Park to diversify the activities open to local residents this past winter. The skating trail was a pilot to test the types of ice conditions the city would be able to maintain, with the hopes that the trail will return in future winter seasons.
- The newly opened Northwood Splash Pad includes a Water is Life theme based on Anishnawbe teachings and features Indigenous storytelling elements, informed by consultation with local First Nations communities.
of total city land is parkland
32,824 ha of total city area
Plans & Strategies
Environmental Strategies
Urban Forest Management Plan 2011
Stormwater Management Plan 2016
EarthCare Sustainability Plan 2014-2020
Climate Strategies
Climate-Forward City: Thunder Bay Net-Zero Strategy 2020
Climate Ready City: Thunder Bay Climate Adaptation Strategy 2015
Community Grant Programs
Community Partnership Grant
Don’t see your city on the list?
Thirty-five cities participated in this year's report and we hope more will join us next year.