We’ve switched to biennial data gathering for the city profiles — The data available here was collected in early 2022 and originally published in last year’s Canadian City Parks Report.
City Profile
- Edmonton is one of 20% of cities with a biodiversity strategy.
- Edmonton is above average for percentage of park washrooms that are winterized, with 83% open year-round.
- Edmonton is one of 53% of cities with a park system master plan updated within the last 10 years.
- In 2021, the city announced the development of Canada's first urban Indigenous cultural site to be located at Whitemud Park. kihciy askiy, meaning “Sacred Land” in Cree, will provide a natural setting for Indigenous communities to host spiritual ceremonies, sweat lodges, cultural camps, talking circles, grow medicinal herbs, and facilitate intergenerational learning.
- 120 park locations are being monitored to assess wildlife use through a joint project between the city and researchers at the University of Alberta. Two million photographs have been processed, and results are being analyzed by University of Alberta graduate students.
- What began as a pilot project in 2020, in response to food insecurity resulting from the pandemic, is set to become an annual initiative known as City Farm. Staff transformed fallow land on the city's tree nursery, Old Man Creek Nursery, into a garden to grow food for Edmonton's Food Bank and partner agencies.
of total city land is parkland
78,310 ha of total city area
Public washrooms
Total number of permanent public washrooms in parks that are open year-round or seasonally. Excludes portable toilets.
34 winterized public washrooms
Parkland provision goal (distance to park / ha per 1000 people)
500 m / 10 minute walk
Volunteer hours / 1000 people
4,690 total park volunteer hours
Plans & Strategies
Environmental Strategies
The Way We Green 2011
Natural Connections Strategic Plan 2007
Community Energy Transition Strategy 2021
Biodiversity Strategies
Biodiversity Action Plan 2009
Climate Strategies
Climate Resilient Edmonton: Adaptation Strategy & Action Plan 2018
Inclusion Strategies
Access Design Guide 2021
Dog Park Strategies
Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy 2016
Don’t see your city on the list?
Thirty-five cities participated in this year's report and we hope more will join us next year.