Population: 782,201
- Mississauga is one of 19% of cities with a community grant program, community park group program, and a policy to waive permit fees for groups that show financial need.
- Mississauga is one of 56% of cities with a park system master plan updated within the last 10 years.
- Mississauga is one of 72% of cities with a climate change action plan that includes parks.
- As part of COVID-19 response, Mississauga added 14 seasonal washrooms to parks. The city is also launching a pilot to use a shipping container as a seasonal washroom in a city park for two years.
- To provide space for winter use of parks during the pandemic, Mississauga kept open facilities such as tennis courts, outdoor fitness equipment, and artificial turf fields. The city also allowed groups that were restricted due to indoor gathering rules (e.g., dance groups) to book outdoor city facilities like tennis courts.
- As part of the city’s climate action strategy, Mississauga is launching a pilot for the use of electric park tools. The pilot project will outfit a complete operational crew with two riding lawn mowers, a push mower, a leaf blower, and two trimmers.
ha parkland per 1000 people
2943 ha of total parkland
of total parkland is natural area
1143 total ha
of total city land is parkland
29,243 ha of total city area
dog parks
1Community gardens/urban farms
Parkland provision goal (distance to park / ha per 1000 people)
1.2 ha per 1,000 people and within 800 metres (10 minute walk)
2volunteers / 1000 people
970 total
community park groups
Policy to waive permit fees for groups with financial need.
Parks operating budget per person
$35,377,000 total
Total parks capital budget
Total philanthropy/sponsorships
Provincially legislated tools available for parkland dedication, acquisition and/or development
Municipalities are able to require up to 5% of the land area of a residential development for parkland or, through an alternate rate bylaw, one hectare in land per 300 units or the equivalent in cash-in-lieu of one hectare per 500 units. Municipalities are also able to require 2% of commercial or non-residential development for parkland or the equivalent in cash-in-lieu. Municipalities may also fund eligible parks improvements through Development Charges and may choose to collect funding for parkland through a Community Benefits Charge, but overlap between these tools must be avoided.
¹10 additional gardens on private lands (school board, churches, etc.) ²Due to COVID-related program cancellations.