A report this size is a team effort.
First, huge thanks to the dozens of city staff that worked with us to compile city data, answer our questions, and respond to interview requests. We know this takes a tremendous amount of work and this report is not possible without you.
We’d also like to thank the parks professionals, community members, non-profit staff, and academic researchers who provided their time and expertise, including Alanah Jewell, Alina Chatterjee, Anne Pelletier, Carmen Rosen, Chad Townsend, Chúk Odenigbo, Doug Bennet, Dylan Rawlyk, Eli Enns, Dr. Fikile Nxumalo, Florence Lecours-Cyr, Geneviève Bédard, Heather Douglas, Jacqueline L. Scott, Dr. Janelle Joseph, Josh Shea, Katherine Howard, Larissa Crawford, Leya Barry, Lourdenie Jean, Manon Otto, Marica Vazquez Tagliero, Marisol Narvaez, Mary Farrar, Dr. Melissa Lem, Michael Polanyi, Nadha Hassen, Dr. Naomi Adiv, Nico Bernard, Noémie Bélanger, Patricia Collerette, Pina Mallozzi, Rudayna Bahubeshi, Shannon Baker, Sheila Boudreau, Sheila Taylor, Sherry Yano, Simon O’Byrne, Susan Holdsworth, Travis Canadien, and Yvonne Yeung.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the Weston Family Foundation for their leadership in supporting the creation of this report in 2019 and its publication for the last three years.
We would also like to thank RBC Foundation, Toronto Foundation, Maglin Site Furniture, Intact Financial Corporation, and an anonymous donor for their support.
Lastly, but not least, thank you to the entire Park People team for their support and input.