Population: 272,211
- Saskatoon is nearly 1.5 times the average of community gardens relative to population size with 11 gardens per 100,000 people.
- Saskatoon is one of 56% of cities with a park system master plan updated within the last 10 years.
- Saskatoon is one of 72% of cities that has a climate change action plan that includes parks.
- Saskatoon’s new Green Strategy provides a vision for the city’s natural and enhanced green infrastructure, including actions around cooperative governance, food production and biodiversity.
- Released in 2020, Saskatoon’s Natural Capital Asset Valuation Pilot maps and evaluates the natural assets within the city and the ecosystem services provided.
- A plan for a new $13M outdoor festival site at Friendship Park and River Landing Park has been approved, including expanding existing park space by realigning the adjacent Spadina Crescent.
ha parkland per 1000 people
1046 ha of total parkland
of total parkland is natural area
120 total ha
of total city land is parkland
23,633 ha of total city area
dog parks
1Community gardens/urban farms
4 ha / 1,000 people
Parkland provision goal (distance to park / ha per 1000 people)
community park groups
Policy to waive permit fees for groups with financial need.
2Parks operating budget per person
$16,070,400 total
Total parks capital budget
Provincially legislated tools available for parkland dedication, acquisition and/or development
10% of the development site or cash-in-lieu
¹Does not include an additional 25 gardens on other lands (e.g. schools, churches). ²Decrease from 2020 related to improved data reporting.