Population: 972,223
- Edmonton has the second most hectares of parkland per population of cities over 500,000 with 6.2 hectares per thousand people.
- Edmonton is nearly 1.5 times the average of community gardens relative to population with 11 gardens per 100,000 thousand people.
- Edmonton is one of 72% of cities that has a climate change action plan that includes parks.
- In response to COVID-19, the city piloted 29 new pop-up community gardens—a program continuing in 2021—and the new City Farm that repurposed nearly 14 hectares of land to produce food for donation to Edmontonians in need.
- Edmonton’s newly released Indigenous Framework, co-created with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, community partners, and youth, outlines 4 roles and 7 commitments to guide city staff, including parks staff, in building relationships with Indigenous peoples.
- To help keep washrooms open during COVID-19, Edmonton hired washroom attendants contracted through Boyle Street Services, a local social services agency. The attendants, who are trained in working with vulnerable populations and may experience employment barriers themselves, provided added custodial services as well as referrals to local services.
1ha parkland per 1000 people
6036 ha of total parkland
of total parkland is natural area
2492 total ha
of parkland is environmentally significant/protected
142 total ha
of total city land is parkland
78,310 ha of total city area
dog parks
2Community gardens/urban farms
500 m / 10 minute walk
Parkland provision goal (distance to park / ha per 1000 people)
volunteers / 1000 people
197 total
community park groups
Policy to waive permit fees for groups with financial need
Parks operating budget per person
$40,151,907 total
Total parks capital budget
Total philanthropy/sponsorships
Provincially legislated tools available for parkland dedication, acquisition and/or development
10% of the development site or cash-in-lieu
¹Change from 2020 related to improved accuracy in data reporting. ²Includes 29 pop-up community gardens created in 2020 as part of the city's COVID-19 response.