A report this size is a team effort. First, huge thanks to the dozens of city staff that worked with us to compile city data, answer our questions, and respond to interview requests. We know this takes a tremendous amount of work and this report is not possible without you.
We’d also like to thank the parks professionals, community members, non-profit staff, and academic researchers who provided their time and expertise, including Adam Vasilevich, Alex Harned, Andrea Doiron, Ann-Marie Nasr, Anna Cooper, Asima Jansveld, Camil Dumont, Cara Chellew, Carly Ziter, Cheyenne Sundance, Chris Hardwicke, Chrissy Brett, Christall Beaudry, Craig Nicol, Daniel Fusca, Dave Hutch, Don Carruthers Den Hoed, Dorothée de Collasson, Eric Code, Hallie Mitchell, Jay Pitter, Jeff Rose, Jennifer Pierce, Joce Two Crows Tremblay, Jode Roberts, Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos, Kevin Dieterman, Lisa Kates, Pete Ewins, Mahnaz Ghalib, Marie Pierre Beauvais, Matt Hickey, Michelle Dobbie, Minaz Asani-Kanji, Nakuset, Nina-Marie Lister, Pamela Zevit, Rachael Putt, Ron Buchan, Ron Buliung, Sarah Winterton, and Vanessa Carney.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to The W. Garfield Weston Foundation for its foundational support in the creation and launch of this report.
We would also like to thank RBC for its support of the Nature section’s biodiversity stories, stats, and online Biodiversity Resource Hub. Finally, we would like to thank the Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation for its support of the research into small-scale urban biodiversity projects.
Lastly, thank you to the entire Park People team for their support and input.